Section 5 - Society Rules
Time Keeping
In order to collect the green fees and ensure the playing order draw takes place in a civilised manor, all competitors MUST be at the relevant golf course AT LEAST 30min BEFORE the first tee time. Due to some problems in previous seasons anyone not at the course by this time will not be entered into the draw and will be automatically placed in the final group. THIS RULE WILL BE ENFORCED!
The only exception to this rule is if you know you are going to be late (stuck in traffic etc), please telephone the Captain, Vice Captain or another member of the committee as soon as possible and inform them.
If you commit to playing but don't turn up without letting us know you WILL be charged for the round as we will have had to pay the relevant green fees.
Dress Code
As most reputable golf clubs have a strict dress code, all players MUST abide by the requirement listed below:-
Trousers - Dress type trousers or chinos only, NO denim jeans, cargo pants, tracksuits or shellsuits will be allowed.
Shorts - Tailored knee length shorts only, NOT football, beach, cycling, boxing or ¾ length shorts. Some clubs will not allow shorts in the clubhouse building so bring a pair of trousers for the after match “Post-Mortem”. If shorts are worn, white sports socks or knee length socks are to be worn.
Shirts - All players are expected to wear a suitable golf or polo style shirt, football shirts or tee shirts are not allowed (some clubs do not allow shirts with large advertising logo's on show). Shirts are to be tucked into trousers at all times.
I know we are now in the 21 st century and these requirements seem a little draconian but we are after all guests in the respective golf clubs and are expected to abide by their local club rules. If there are any club specific rules (soft spikes, hats etc) I will try to inform you in the lead up to that game.
Lost Balls
In the interest of faster play, if a ball is lost in a position it could be reasonably be expected to be found (long fairway grass etc) a ball may be dropped on the edge of the fairway in the approximate position your first ball was lost and a TWO stroke penalty taken. This is to save the time taken by walking back to the position of your previous shot, playing a new ball then walking on again (this is effectively “Stroke & Distance”). This arrangement has been adopted by the R&A as a Local Rule in the 2019 Rules of Golf, click HERE for more details of the new rules.
If however your ball definitely goes Out of Bounds or is seen to go into an area it is very unlikely to be found (thick bushes or gorse etc) a provisional ball MUST be played from the same position as the previous shot BEFORE going to search for the first ball. A ONE stroke penalty will apply for the dropped ball if your first ball cannot be found (“Stroke & Distance”, see R&A rule 27). Please remember as per the R&A Rules Of Golf a MAXIMUM of 3 minutes are allowed when looking for a lost ball, this will be strictly enforced in an effort to reduce slow play.
Once again to reduce delays please ensure you have found your own ball BEFORE assisting you playing partner locate their ball.
The above Society rules DO NOT apply to balls lost in designated penalty areas. In this case the R&A rules MUST be enforced (1 stroke penalty drop, see R&A rule 26).
There will be NO Gimmies allowed, all putts MUST be sunk.
Young trees and saplings (The local course rules shall apply)
A free drop (within two club lengths, no nearer the hole) will be allowed if a ball lands beside a staked tree or sapling that could be damaged by your club or ball during your swing or shot. No free drop will be allowed from mature trees or bushes (a one stroke penalty drop, within 2 club lengths, no nearer the hole, may be taken if required).