Latest news
WW13 Christmas dinner - Saturday 1/2/14
This year we held our post Christmas dinner and get together at Angelo's restaurant in Sunderland. As we gathered in the William Jameson for an aperitif or two the main topic of conversation was a certain football match that had been played earlier that day. Needless to say our token Newcastle fan Derek took a lot of stick but thankfully no horses were injured during the course of the evening!
Once the dinner was over we discussed the rule changes for the season ahead and unveiled the 2014 fixtures list. At this point I would once again like to thank the Two Paul's and their team at DESCO (especially Paula Bewick) for producing an excellent programme for the 2014 season.
While on the subject of thanks I would also like to welcome another corporate sponsor, Fred Stoddart Plumbing and Mechanical Ltd. The financial assistance they along with DCS Payroll, BES Consulting Engineers and of course DESCO provide help us reduce the cost of playing with the society so we all gain.
Finally I, on behalf of the membership and committee, would like to welcome our three new members to the Society, Peter Anderson, Tom Mcdonald and Alan Welsh, I am sure you will all quickly fit in and hope you enjoy the season ahead.
Ian G.
Tim Aberdeen
As you all know our great friend and loyal Society supporter Tim Aberdeen sadly lost his battle against cancer late last year. In tribute to him we have dedicated our annual knockout competition (formerly the President's Cup) to his memory. Tim's family are to provide a new trophy later in the year. We are also in the process of compiling a tribute section on this website, including pictures and personal memories of Tim. With this in mind I would like to invite you all to provide your own memories of Tim and his time with us, just drop me an Email to the usual address and I will add your thoughts and/or pictures to the memorial pages.
Future dates
WW14 Pre season Texas Scramble - Sharpley Springs, Sunday 16/3/14, first tee 12:00.
Please see the Fixtures page for full details of the 2014 season.
And Finally --- The first golfing tip for this year
Click on the logo above for the link to the tip. There will be more hints & tips to follow during the season.